Wellness Within

Wellness Within

GIVE YOURSELF A MOMENT OF relaxation wellness happiness

Massage Therapist Davie

Massage Therapist Davie Pain Relief

Pain Treatment thru Massage

Massage is by far the most wonderful lifestyle choice. Whether you have a medical need to treat your muscles, or simply just need to unwind from stress, massage therapy is known best to improve your physical and mental health.

With instant results, medical facts show that massage calms the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, increases circulation, and improves oxygenation and nourishment for your cells. It also stimulates the lymphatic system detoxing the body of metabolic wastes. Overall, preventing muscles from spasms, cramps and shutdowns.

My mission is to help people cope with muscle pain associated from injuries and/or stress to gain and maintain optimal health through massage.

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Get relief from pain - NATURALLY! Learn about benefits of medical massage

Practiced for thousands of years, massage is a tool for rediscovering the body’s own inner intelligence. Myofascial release massage, for example, bring relief from pain where traditional therapy, medicine and/or surgery have failed them

Massage on a monthly basis will help you:

  • Increases the energy level, as you gain an inner source of energy
  • Relief from head aches and back pain
  • Improve flexibility and circulation

Treatments And services We offer a wide variety of wellness treatments

Deep Tissue

Deep Tissue

Relieves severe tension in the muscles.

The term “deep tissue” is often misused to identify a massage that is performed with sustained deep pressure. Deep tissue massage is a separate category of massage therapy, used to treat particular muscular-skeletal disorders and complaints and employs a dedicated set of techniques and strokes to achieve a measure of relief. It should not be confused with “deep pressure” massage, which is one that is performed with sustained strong, occasionally intense pressure throughout an entire full-body session, and that is not performed to address a specific complaint.

Body Treatments

Natural-touch therapy to alleviate pregnancy related symptoms

Prenatal massage, also called  Pregnancy Massage is a natural-touch therapy aimed to alleviate pregnancy related symptoms. Due to the expansion of your ribcage and pelvis, there is extra stress added to your intercostal muscles (muscles between your ribs), glutial muscles, and low-back muscles. Prenatal massage concentrates on these specific areas in addition to other aches and pain you may be experiencing (like your feet). All which will ease walking, fatigue and breathing.

“I was pregnant with my first daughter the entire time I was attending massage
therapy school. So not only was I a great guinea pig, I mastered
prenatal techniques very well.” – Janine Palmer Cuevas, LMT

Body Treatments
Aroma Therapy

Aroma Therapy

Revitalise your senses and refresh your mind!

Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering a person’s mind, mood, cognitive function and health.

This AromaTouch therapy treatment was designed by Dr. David Hill.  With combined massage technique and eight different essential oil applications, this therapy is aimed to reduce stress, enhance your immune system, reduce inflammatory response, and will further promote homeostasis in the body.  This is a calming, slow touch treatment with encouraged silence during the session to allow mind and body to meet.

Other services

Treats the entire mind/body complex

What is Myofascial Release? 

Myofascial release is a gentle but very powerful form of massage. Fascia is connective tissue that runs through the entire body, and myofascia wraps your muscles. Due to trauma, injury, overuse or stress, the fascia can thicken and become less elastic. A myofascial release treatment restores your muscles to their normal position, allowing for smooth movement without pain.

Many patients achieve relief from pain with Myofascial Release after years of traditional therapy, medicine and/or surgery have failed them. This is because Myofascial Release treats the entire mind/body complex.


Other services

New Specialized Treatment

Stretch & Massage 60 min. $90

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